- Home
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- Board Policy and Administrative Procedures
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- SECTION F: Student
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- SECTION FA | Equal Education Opportunity
- SECTION FB | Admissions
- SECTION FC | Attendance
- SECTION FD | Tuition and Fees
- SECTION FE | Financial Aid
- SECTION FF | Student Welfare
- SECTION FF.1 | Campus Safety
- SECTION FF.2 | Mental Health
- SECTION FFA | Immunizations
- SECTION FFA.1 | Immunizations
- SECTION FFA.2 | International Students
- SECTION FFA.3 | Residence Life Requirement
- SECTION FFC | Student Support Services
- SECTION FFC.1 | Student Support Services and Administrative Services
- SECTION FFC.2 | Veterans Services
- SECTION FFC.3 | Special Programs for Students with Disabilities
- SECTION FFC.4 | Pregnancy and Parenting Student
- SECTION FFD | Freedom from Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation
- SECTION FFD.1 | Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying
- SECTION FFD.2 | Sexual Assault and Intimate Partner or Domestic/Dating Violence/Clery Reporting
- SECTION FFD.3 | Student Discrimination Grievance Procedure
- SECTION FFE | Sexual Misconduct Policy
- SECTION FG | Student Housing
- SECTION FH | Solicitation
- SECTION FI | Student Records
- SECTION FJ | Student Activities
- SECTION FK | Student Rights and Responsibilities
- SECTION FKA | Student Expression
- SECTION FKA.1 | Student Expression
- SECTION FKB | Student Conduct
- SECTION FKB.1 | Code of Student Conduct/Special Programs/Student Misconduct/Drug-Free Campus/Complicity
- SECTION FKB.2 | Disciplinary Procedures and Sanctions
- SECTION FKB.3 | Academic Integrity
- SECTION FKC | Student Complaints and Grievances
- SECTION FKC.1 | Student Grievance Procedures
- SECTION FKC.2 | Student-Instructor Conflict Resolution
- SECTION FKD | Grade Challenge
- SECTION FKD.1 | Grade Challenge
- SECTION FKD.2 | Program of Study Dismissal
The Office of Admissions and Records serves as the official repository for all student admissions and grade-related records for the Navarro College District. All College student documents, regardless of campus location where received, are forwarded either to the Office of Admissions and Records location in Corsicana or Waxahachie where they are scanned into the electronic records database. Original paper documents are held for thirty days and then destroyed. Student electronic records are backed up on a regular cycle by the Navarro College IT Department. Student electronic records are maintained by trained staff who possess appropriate security levels to facilitate their duties. The Director of Admissions/Registrar is the Official Custodian of Records for the Navarro College District.
Continuing Education student records are maintained by the Dean of Workforce and Continuing Education.
Date Issued: January 22, 2015